Community Development for Government Bodies

For most government bodies worldwide, we understand the shared passion of building a strong nation through
the empowerment of the citizens.

At PSC, we believe in levelling the playing fields for struggling communities, including the B40 segment of low-income communities, indigenous communities, single mothers, youths, persons with disabilities and more. With the strong support of local government organizations, our mission of eradicating poverty may become a reality in years to come.

We have numerous programs that help government agencies achieve progressive welfare and the ability to remove the marginalised communities out of the B40 segment in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the National Government’s plan to become financially independent.

Why work with us?


Cost Effective Implementation

At PSC, we do not believe in providing financial loans or aid to our participants to start their businesses as this encourages a culture of dependency towards donations. Rather, we encourage participants to succeed through their own abilities and skills. The results are long-lasting and it reduces unnecessary costs for the government, hence giving it more flexibility to focus on other concerns of the nation. Our cost per participant is many times cheaper than existing government interventions and can ultimately save government funds.


with Grassroots

With the presence of local teams across ASEAN, we strive to work closely with grassroot communities through the shared understanding of local cultures, languages, and beliefs. Hence, we work in partnership with governments to bring change and transformation to communities. 


Proven and Measurable Outcomes

With tangible and measurable results, our transparent approach of showing outcomes & impacts with governments can be easily tracked and reported. This allows government ministries to show tangible and sustainable change to the public it governs.


Building People’s
Trust & Confidence

We aim to be the bridge between the government and its people. By eradicating poverty through the support of the local governments, it helps build trust and confidence of the people in their government. Additionally, it showcases the success and high impact of government initiatives by highlighting actual, tangible results.

View Our Track Record

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    Unit 502, Block A, Phileo Damansara II, No.15, Jalan 16/11,
    Off Jalan Damansara, Pusat Perdagangan Phileo Damansara,
    46350 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

    Tel: +603 79552528  |  Fax: +603 79581888  |  Email Our Head Office

    Sarawak Office
    Tel: +082 266723  |  Email Our Sarawak Office

    Philippines Office
    Tel: +63 39178915283  |  Email Our Philippines Office

    Indonesian Office
    Tel: +628 1118917880  |  Email Our Indonesian Office

    Laos Office
    Tel: +856 20 5549 1157  |  Email Our Laos Office

    New Zealand Office
    Tel: +64 211902828  |  Email Our New Zealand Office