
Benefits of Sustainable CSR & Community Development

Imagine transforming lives for a lifetime. Imagine making an impact that changes lives and communities for years to come. Imagine being responsible for a cause that not only shapes society, but the overall nation. Now, imagine the stories you could talk about from the impact you have made through these programs – that is what we have done for our clients.

We use CSR to create impactful changes and build relationships with stakeholders while creating a brand presence. From there, we create measurable outcomes with clear Returns on Investment (ROI) for clients. At PSC, we believe in sustainable CSR work that creates a lasting impact to communities in the long run. Rather than creating short-term solutions, we look to the future and how we can help you make a difference for the cause you believe in, using the brand you represent as a bridge and a connector to your stakeholders. Having a sustainable and strategic approach brings a host of benefits to the company including:


Strong stakeholder and regulator engagement & relationship


Proven results and sustainable, measurable impact that creates PR


Cost-effective programs scalable nationally & regionally


End-to-end program implementation that drives social innovation


Detailed reporting
with an outcome-based


Strong links
and support
to SDGs

View more about our Solutions for Government
View more about our Solutions for Corporations

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    Unit 502, Block A, Phileo Damansara II, No.15, Jalan 16/11,
    Off Jalan Damansara, Pusat Perdagangan Phileo Damansara,
    46350 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

    Tel: +603 79552528  |  Fax: +603 79581888  |  Email Our Head Office

    Sarawak Office
    Tel: +082 266723  |  Email Our Sarawak Office

    Philippines Office
    Tel: +63 39178915283  |  Email Our Philippines Office

    Indonesian Office
    Tel: +628 1118917880  |  Email Our Indonesian Office

    Laos Office
    Tel: +856 20 5549 1157  |  Email Our Laos Office

    New Zealand Office
    Tel: +64 211902828  |  Email Our New Zealand Office